Sunday, July 10, 2016

I'm Back!

Hello everyone who reads my blogs! I've been gone for waaaaayyyy too long! It feels really good to be writing/blogging again!

So much has happened in the last 10 months! Holy cow, it's been 10 months since I've done any blogging!!??!! Yikes, that's my bad guys... I'm definitely going to be doing this a WHOLE lot more!

So, where to start? The beginning I guess? Yeah, that's a good spot.

So, on December 7th, 2015 I decided to make a huge change in my life. I decided that I did not want to be the same person ever again. EVER. I decided that it was time to take control of my life and actually BE happy, instead of pretending I was. Don't get me wrong... I'm very happy with my family, my kids, my friends... those things are great, but I was not happy with myself. I was very overweight, unhealthy, and on the verge of being diabetic. I realized that I needed to make a change.

I met a wonderful lady, and now one of my great friends, Stephannie in my program at school. She is a beach body wellness coach. A lot of you are like, "What is that?" Because trust me when I say, I thought the same dang thing. Basically, she supports women and men on their fitness journey. I quickly realized that this was something I needed and also wanted to do for myself.

I signed up as a beach body coach on December 26th, and jumped right in doing 21 Day Fix. For those of you who are new to beach body, or have never even heard of them... they are the same company that produces P90x. They have a variety of different programs! They also produce Shakeology. This daily dose of super food nutrition literally saved my life.

So, my journey for myself started December 7th, but my first round of 21 DF didn't start until January 11th. in between starting my workouts and eating better and my first round of 21 DF I received some news from my doctor. I found out that after 30 years of age you are supposed to get an A1C test to check your sugar levels. This was only 10 days into my lifestyle change. I received news that I was a 6.1. For those of you who are familiar you know that this is borderline diabetic. Your A1C should be between the number 4 and 6. I was right over with that .1.

Rather than let that get me down, I pushed even harder. I buckled down and focused on my nutrition. Most people think that they can out exercise a bad diet. Not true. What you fuel your body with is so important. I call it the 80/20 or 70/30 rule. Only 20-30% needs to be your workout and 70-80% is your nutrition. There's this saying that we go by in my accountability group... Abs are made in the kitchen. I fully believe that's true.

I'm about to start my 7th round of 21 DF, and this time I'm doing a program called Turbo Fire. I have lost 26 pounds, and 25 inches total. I even started measuring in other places that I wanted to see the difference in. You don't have to stick to the usual places! We are all made different. This is my before and after photo... the one on the left is this last month, and on the right is Christmas 2015.

I'm currently doing an Ab Challenge, and also wanted to create a Booty Challenge as well. I have a couple options, and if you are interested in doing these Ab and Booty Challenges, I wanna hear from you! These 2 challenges are completely free, and I will be posting them on here, my blog page on FB, and also my personal page on FB so, you'll be able to follow super easily!

These are the two options I found on Pinterest that I liked the best:

With these ones I would make the calendar and have the workouts all ready for you to follow.
There is also an already planned out booty challenge.

I have to say, this one is pretty cool! It's all squats though, so tell me what you think! I would love to have any feed back possible! I want to start this tomorrow, but realistically next Monday might work better until I've heard from all of you!

Thanks for sticking with me and as always, keep reading! I'll be trying to post every Wednesday and an occasional Sunday!

Follow me:
Snapchat @TheOctogirl

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Chaotic Life... I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Does anyone else feel like pulling their hair out when school comes around? I mean, seriously, if it's not enough that we have to buy all new stuff, we also have to get rid of all the old that doesn't fit anymore! Ugh. On top of my kiddos going back to school... so do I. I start a little later than they do; about 10 days after, but still. Stressful. Some might say I do WAAAYYY too much, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

I love being busy. In fact, during the summer is when I find myself trying to do more because I'm completely bored out of my mind with nothing to do! Imagine that. I tend to start projects that most of the time I never finish. But, I've decided that I'm not doing that anymore. I'm finishing all the things I've started and then move on to more. 

With this program I'll be starting at school, I'll be doing 17 credits. For those of you who don't know school "credit" lingo (because before I started college, I didn't have a clue) it's 1-4 credits per class depending on the type of subject. I will be taking 5 (really 6) classes. One of them is a 2 part class. I am going to be swamped. So, with that being said, I have a lot of stuff to organize now before my schedule gets completely crazy.

I've decided that even the littlest things can help. Shelves that aren't on the wall take up too much floor space. My daughter has two shelves on her floor that were holding her shoes in baskets. As adorable as they are she has such a small space that we have to find little ways to save that space as much as we can! We stacked the shelves and used them for books, and put the shoes in a... back of the door hanging shoe rack! Seriously, it's the little things! 

This one is available also in black which we bought both here:

I also ended up cutting it in half and I'm going to use this same thing under the sinks in my kitchen and bathroom.

Seriously, there are so many ideas on Pinterest to eliminate clutter, organize, and re-do all your spaces in your home. Because our condo is limited on space already, I turned our dining room into a study room. (I now miss my kitchen table, but it's more efficient this way.) Both my daughter and I do homework more than we eat at home. Being in school, I eat a lot of my snacks at school (brought from home) and Dakota eats breakfast, snack, and lunch at school, so it just seemed more useful for us to use a desk in that space. We chose the black/brown in this link:

Another trick to eliminating clutter that I've found is having storage bins handy for seasonal clothing. I have one dresser per person in this house and we can't have tank tops taking up room when it's sweater season (and vice versa). So, I use the storage containers to put all my summer stuff in when fall comes around. Luckily we have two storage units for our condo. One on the deck and one in our parking garage. The storage bins help when stacking in the storage unit, and also taking out unneeded clothing in my dresser as well. 
Not only do these containers work for clothing but for so many more things! We have the flat one for our birthday/holiday wrapping paper. It fits nicely under our couch for easy use during the holiday/birthday season. Otherwise, it fits nicely in the storage unit when not needed.
Ok, so I now I mentioned that I'm not starting anything before finishing all my other projects, but this one is at the top of the next list. I'm obsessed! Closet makeovers! I think I'm the only person in the world who is obsessed with a clean, organized, amazing looking closet... I know, I'm weird.

And yes, I know, I never finished my daughters pallet bed! But, if you live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) then you know how rainy and not so outdoor crafts friendly it has been. I plan on finishing it this week because it is supposed to get nicer. I promise. It's the first thing on my "unfinished projects" list of things to do.

Thank you for reading everyone! Also, a shoutout to those who commented on my Facebook post about what I should write about. I've never been in such a stump about what to write about! Keep your positivity coming, and follow me for more blogs and funny (in my opinion) posts!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Just A Few Of My Favorite Things...

So... I wasn't able to finish my daughters bed. I know, huge procrastinator. But seriously, it's a huge project and when you have kids, a dog, a life... I tend to push off all my fun projects, but I am not doing that anymore! Next week I'm going to have it finished and I will show you all the awesome pictures!

On to this weeks blog. I decided to share with you some of the things that I love. I'm a little late (sorry) to sharing this with you but... Big Ass Sandwiches had a #zagatlovesPDX day yesterday and their Big Ass Sandwich with turkey, ham, or roast beef on the menu was free! FREE! I know, right? This local establishment is owned by Lisa and Brian. It originally started as a food cart, which then turned into two, and then turned into a restaurant off 56th and Glisan. You can't get a better sandwich in Portland. They were also featured on the Travel Channel!

I totally checked into that hashtag because I'm sure there will be more free things to come in Portland. For those of you reading who don't live in Portland, you should really come and visit. It's a beautiful city with so much to do! So, after seeing that hashtag, I found out that tomorrow there is another FREE deal! The Waffle Window on SE Hawthorne and NE Alberta is doing free waffles in blueberry cheesecake and banana nutella.

If you haven't noticed, I really like free stuff... It's the best, you really can't beat it!

During the summer I love taking the young one swimming! And guess what?! Free swimming!! Yep, you heard it... There are multiple community centers all over portland and the surrounding areas that do free swimming on certain days of the week at certain times. I just realized that this swimming free thing ends this week on the 28th of August. But they do it every year! (For future reference.)

(Both these photos were taking by Cody Keto Photography)

Today we were very lucky to get free haircuts by the one and only Sasha Billings. She is currently in training at the Supercuts off Jennings and McLoughlin in Milwaukie. They are doing free haircuts for training today, tomorrow and Friday (26th, 27th, and 28th) from 9am-3pm. No appointment necessary. The link below just gives you the exact address where they are located!

I saved my most favorite for last... The Movies In The Park. If you haven't done one, boy are you missing out! Sometimes there is free Subway sandwiches, but mostly free popcorn at every location. Sometimes they have newer released movies, and sometimes it's old classics which I thoroughly enjoy!

Right before the movie at 6:30pm they have the live music as well. Again, another of my favorites! Just listening to live music and then snuggling up for a movie on a blanket is the best thing about summer nights!

I'm sure there are so many more free things that I haven't mentioned, plus things that are super cheap! My goal in the summer is to make sure my kids have a full plate, but not cost me a fortune... What ends up happening is they thing we do all this cool stuff and they usually never know I didn't spend a fortune. And that... is PRICELESS!

Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate all the support! Feel free to leave comments if you know of something that is super cheap in the summer or even FREE!! Also, make sure you hit that 'share' feature so that others can read, too!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

San Diego (Spring 2014)

It's Wednesday my fellow bloggers/blog readers! Sorry about Saturday, I had a mishap with the car tire and wasn't able to get one out. (I've already punished myself, I swear.) But, the time is here for another one, and nothing is stopping me today... (fingers crossed.)

This particular trip is very near and dear to my heart. I got to experience San Diego with 3 of my dearest friends. Doris and Dawn are my twin besties from high school. We've been friends since my sophomore and their freshman year. Robby also went to the same school as us, but I don't remember us being super close until adulthood. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. Seriously. He is the one who hosted my family this past spring (2015) when we were on our way to Disneyland.

Dawn lived in San Diego, and as far as I can tell, she'll move back there after her work is complete in October in Alaska. She is a chef on a cruise ship in Alaska 7 months out of the year with a 6 week on and 2 week off work schedule. It's pretty grueling but when you get to be off work for 5 months I'm sure it has it's perks! Getting off the plane and standing outside of San Diego was like a dream. I loved every second of being there.
(Yes, that is an actual picture from the highway I took with my phone! If you can believe it.)

It was gorgeous... (sigh.) I can't wait to go back. Doris and I flew out together from Portland, and Robby flew in from San Fransisco... We literally landed within minutes of each other! We went to the cutest place for breakfast and they had an  AMAZING chicken and waffles you wouldn't even believe!

 (This is Doris and Robby)

(This is Dawn... look at that glorious chicken!)

After we ate, we decided to go check in. We ended up staying at the W Hotel right on the bay... It was beautiful! The view from our room was outstanding.

(You really can't beat it... seriously!)

(Our reaction to our amazing room.)

There were so many firsts for me in SD. I swam in the ocean for hours... I've never felt so alive in my life. Every beach we went to there were so many dogs, and friendly people. I remember taking a deep breath on the beach and thinking to myself..."Dakota could live here for the rest of her life, and love it..." Of course, so could I! 

We spend a lot of time soaking up rays that day, and meeting awesome people at the Cabo Cantina, including Ashley... she was the most amazing waitress ever! 

(I used to be in this picture, but I'm not sure what happened to the original. Robby had the hugest crush on her... But sorry fellas and ladies... she's taken/engaged! Congrats Ashley! Oh, that's my finger tattoo.)

(This is what my hair looked like after swimming in the ocean. They made me go out to the Cabo Cantina looking like this. Great friends, huh? Now you know why I straighten my hair.)

At the Cabo Cantina they have a game room of sorts in the back with ping pong/beer pong and pool. It was so fun. I swear I spent most of my days just sun bathing, drinking, and walking around. It was sooooooo relaxing!

(See what I mean? Drink in hand, and I don't even drink hahaha! There's a reason, look at that goofy grin. Terrible.)

Another first included holding a huge bird. If anyone knows me, they know I don't do birds. At all, period. I'm working on it. But, for someone who ducks (no pun intended) every time a bird flies over them (even in the car) this is a huge step!

(He wouldn't stay on my lower arm, and that made me nervous... but I managed a really painful smile. The coffee made me feel invincible.)

I had to put in here this amazing pizza place (which I can't remember the name right now) but it had some pretty awesome tip jars...

 (For my Star Wars fans...)

(...And for my Chuck Norris and anti Justin Bieber fans.)

On our last night we went to the coolest country/hip hop bar... yes, you heard that right. I know, so bizarre but completely workable. So the one side was hip hop and then there was a long hallway to the next side of the building and that would be the country side. The country side had huge bar counter tops and the girls danced on it like Coyote Ugly! The hip hop side had a mechanical bull... which was a little mixed up, but it was totally fun. (No, I didn't ride the bull, but I did sing and dance with my girls and Robby!) Before we went to the country/hip hop bar we headed to dinner. The coolest old school songs were playing... as you can tell.

(This is how we do it...)

(Ok, in all seriousness now.)

Here is the pics from the bar... I'm not responsible for the lighting or the weird tongues sticking out... just saying!

(I'm pretty sure we don't know this girl.)

(I don't even know how to explain this... sisterly love?)

(Camera love!)

(Yep, I know for sure we don't know that guy.)

All in all, an amazing trip. I also met Ali at this bar! She approached me and asked if I actually like country... in which I replied, "I LOVE IT!!" She was so excited because apparently her friends told her people who look like me don't like music like that... She was so sweet, and we've kept in contact through Facebook. I can't wait for another trip like this. But, when you are a mom, these come few and far between. It just makes you cherish the ones you do get!

I'm no longer promising a blog up every Saturday, but Wednesday for sure... That way if I do get one up on Saturday it will be like a special gift for you! HA! Anyway, enjoy your HUMP DAY! 

Pending that my daughters bed is done next week, I may have a special step by step pics of the pallet platform bed I've been working on for you! So, keep reading and visiting my blog for more awesome stuff! Thank you!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pinterest... It's addicting.

I can't be the only one out there who can spend HOURS sucked into the app that is Pinterest. I decided recently that repainting my whole house, and going from modern decorating to shabby chic was a really good idea. Yeah. I don't know what I was thinking. It's been fun, but really such a transition. I had all green walls with one exception of a red wall in my kitchen with red accents here and there. I realized that red was really abrasive for me. Not everyone feels the same, but for me it was just over powering. I decided that sticking to green was still ok for shabby chic (instead of going all ocean teal colors) and just repainted my one red wall. It really did wonders for the flow of our tiny condo. (750 sq ft.)
(This was my daughter's first day of kindergarten against our red wall!)

Not only did it improve the flow, it really just felt better all together. I recently went through some difficult things and I just wanted to rid the negativity out of our home. A few things I did to improve the positive flow in my home included: Meditation, getting rid of the red in our home, and burning sage. I can't even tell you how refreshing it feels in our home again.

(You can see the red under the green. Thankfully it only took 2 coats of paint and primer in one.)

I've decided this blog will be about how to change simple things to make a huge difference. Little touches here and there to freshen things up a bit. Also, all of my Pinterest addictions, and really, just about anything I want to throw in there! (You're welcome.)

I am really into using what I already have, and making it into something different or sometimes better. Cody's parents recently remodeled their kitchen and he came home with the cupboard faces and said that he thought I might want them. At first I was thinking, "great, another thing to find space for." But then I really saw the potential. I started searching Pinterest (uh-oh) and never stopped after that. I started making clothes pins picture holders!
Here is the link to the one I used:

I really love how the washed out grey compliments the green in my home! I want to change the paint, but that will probably be a next year project!

I have one more that size that I'm doing except instead of horizontally long, I'm going to make it vertical and hang it on a wall.

I made two smaller ones but decided to go very different with what I made out of them. I made a jewelry holder for my daughter, and then also a towel holder for above my sink. (Like I said previous, my house is modern so it is taking a little time to change everything to shabby chic.) 

(Without any jewelry on it)

With this project I did the weathered gray stain and once it dried I did a white wash. 2 ounces white paint, and 4 ounces water. I just picked out some simple brass knobs at my local Home Depot, along with the c-screws.
Here is the link for the jewelry holder:

(After it was finished and the ribbon was picked out by my daughter. We just went up to the Fabric Depot.)

I absolutely love this idea in the photo below! I wasn't able to turn mine into a coffee cup holder, but I think I like it as a towel holder anyway!
Here is the link to that pin:

(Pinterest's version)

(My version. Again, I'm working on it!)

If you are like me, I recycle EVERYTHING I can... Especially glass. I have so many bottles from Portland Ketchup Company, and pasta sauces I could can a lot of stuff! (I'm really into essential oils, and make a lot of my own lotions, salves and tons of other things so it really comes in handy to have all these glasses... but that's another post!) With all the scrapbook paper I have I tried thinking of things to do with the scrapbook paper, tissue paper, and modge podge I have. This was solely my own idea, and I didn't get it off of Pinterest, so I was really proud of myself! I actually printed off pictures of dictionary pages and found the word love and the descriptions of it for this bottle on the left. On the right I had a Shakespeare quote: "I do love nothing in the world so well as you." It's a daily reminder for me to love myself, my family, and my friends.

I absolutely adore my bathroom. It's one of the biggest rooms in our home and I felt it was too big as far as white walls. So, when we did decide to paint, we also painted the ceiling. It's a french thing apparently? I don't know, HGTV said so. I just believe them! Anyway, the dark slate color we did was perfect for white shelves and red accents. But, again, trying to steer away from the modern look, and also the abrasive red... I decided to stick with the weathered gray and white washed wood. After looking up Pinterest on ways to use my mason jars for less clutter on the counters I found this...
Here is the link to the pic below:

 (Pinterest version)

(My version! Although, we made a decision that no tooth brush and tooth paste in there any longer, because my daughter couldn't reach for one, and for two, it gets messy.)

I've decided that I want these mason jar holders in more than just the bathroom! They are so universal and so easy to make! I'm currently working on one for my daughter's room, my desk area, and possibly one for the kitchen for utensils!

So, this blog wasn't really anything except how much I find on Pinterest and can use in my home... Oh well! It was so much fun to do! I hope you liked today's post... Again, I apologize for the lateness of it not being Wednesday, and I will more than likely do another one to make it up to all of you who read these!

Thanks for reading! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Disneyland Trip (last spring)

We were very fortunate this last spring to take our little girl to Disneyland. I went when I was 16, and I was in the, "I'm way to cool to be seen with my two younger sisters and mother" stage of my life that really I only remember It's A Small World (most annoying song ever how could you forget it), Indiana Jones (stupid snake), and Tarzan (HELLO, I was 16... He was HOT!) I wanted to make sure that we didn't go too soon in her life because she wouldn't remember anything, and not too late because she is not getting her picture taken with Tarzan. Period. (In his tree house is as close as she got!)

We decided that driving would be better (to save on money). In hind sight, we definitely know now that flying is the best option! It was nice to have our own car to drive wherever we wanted to go, but really we stayed at the Hilton right next to Disneyland, and that was within walking distance. Actually, pretty much everything was within walking distance. I do have to say that driving down was perfect because Dakota slept the whole way down. Leaving at night was the best choice ever! But driving home was 12 hours (before bed time) of "are we there yet?" and "I'm hungry," or "my leg is asleep again!"... It seemed to be never ending. Also, by the time we were almost home, Cody and I were so delirious that we made up games that we had no idea how we even thought it made sense at all at the time.

(on the way there)
(on the way home)

Not a huge difference, but note, we do look a little more refreshed and ready, and then we are all frizzed out and unshaven. (Just cody... I forgot to shave... JK)

I almost forgot! Before we left, Dakota and I had to visit the most amazing and talented lady Cassie Thompson who does the most amazing nails I have ever seen! She does all Gel/Shelac even in her designs... I got some cute little polkadots and roses, and Dakota got her half/half Frozen nails. One hand Anna and the other Elsa. 

You can follow her and make appointments with her on:

She also is a mommy and gave us some phenomenal tips on how to make sure we got the most out of our Disneyland trip. With her tips I started researching things to do in Disneyland that not everyone knows about... I stumbled upon this website:
It totally helped us out a million! We also got the MouseWait app in the app store (for iPhone/apple users) and it saved us time on all of our rides. We never waited more than 5 mins for our lines. The best part about that was it was a "do not even try" time on the Disneyland calendar, so we knew we were going to be waiting FOREVER. But, with this app we didn't have to wait at all! (You're welcome.)

One thing (THE BEST) in my opinion that was amazing about driving is that we stopped in San Fransisco to see/stay with my good friend Robby. He housed us, fed us, showed us around San Fran and was an incredible host! He took us to the Fisherman's Warf, and also the Golden Gate Bridge. It is like Portland, but cleaner, and a little more friendly. 

(This is a photo of his amazing condo building where we stayed right on the bay!)

(San Fransisco Bay right next to Robby's condo)

(Golden Gate Bridge)

I seriously want to bombard you with photos from our trip to the Golden Gate Bridge and all around San Fran, but if you want to see more... you can visit:

Or mine:

After staying the night with Robby, we ventured on to Anaheim! The view was amazing! So much land to just stare out and look at... And the weather was gorgeous so that helped a lot!

We stayed at the Hilton Anaheim, and they were phenomenal. As soon as we checked in Dakota was telling them about how it was her very first time at Disneyland. Right then and there they upgraded us to a room with a view of the park so we could see the fireworks every night!

We only spent one day in Disneyland so we had to make it count! I also woke up with a migraine and they usually put me out for 8+ hours and I wasn't about to miss her first time here ever! I put on my shades, grabbed a coffee and bagel, and we headed out. First ride? Space Mountain. UGH. I felt a little woozy after that, and then we hit Star Tours... Bagel was a bad choice. I ended up in the bathroom for about 40 mins while my sweet girl and her awesome daddy met everyone in Toon Town. The poor people in the restroom with me were in for a show. I'm not a quiet puker. Just sayin'. Little kids would come in singing their little hearts out and leave crying with what they heard! (I felt awful!) Here are some cute pics of my little one to take your mind off the image you just imagined...

There... that should be good. PS right after I was out of the bathroom she wanted to do the teacups.  Alright, dad time for you to take one for the team! And he did!

Like I mentioned before, we were only spending one day in the actual Park, so we got there right at 8am when they opened. We used the amazing MouseWait app for all the rides and had perfect timing on everything. We decided to leave around 1pm for lunch. (You do not have to stay, you can re-enter!) If you want, you can also bring your own food. You do not have to spend an arm and a leg inside on their cafe food. I will tell you this though... The frozen lemonade is the best thing I've ever had. It's $5 and so worth it! I had 2.. Don't judge me.

(First thing in the morning)
(Second time in after lunch... Wardrobe changes are a must with 7 years old girls.)

We ended up going back to the hotel after eating so we could rest and swim it up! The hotel pool was awesome!

We came back to Disneyland around 5pm and stayed until close. I was so proud of my snoopy doop (Dakota's nickname) for doing the Haunted Mansion. (I might have bribed her with 2 sets of Mickey ears if she didn't cry, but that's besides the point!) She did great! I think her all time favorite was the Carrousel. We went on it 3 times... and at night it looked so magical!

The one thing we got a FastPass on was the Fantasmic Show. Which was worth it completely! I don't think I'll ever forget seeing Dakota's face when she saw this show... I tear up every time I think about it. She experienced Disneyland like a little girl should. I still remember her jumping up and down pointing to every little thing and looking back at me with wide eyes like, "mom! did you see that??!!" I'm such a lucky mom. Even though the drive back home was tough, the over all vacation was amazing. It was our first one as a family out of state. I couldn't be more grateful for the time we got to spend together.

Sorry this one took so long! I started on Saturday and I'm just uploading today... I promise to try and have them out on Saturday and definitely Wednesday! Thanks for reading!!