Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pinterest... It's addicting.

I can't be the only one out there who can spend HOURS sucked into the app that is Pinterest. I decided recently that repainting my whole house, and going from modern decorating to shabby chic was a really good idea. Yeah. I don't know what I was thinking. It's been fun, but really such a transition. I had all green walls with one exception of a red wall in my kitchen with red accents here and there. I realized that red was really abrasive for me. Not everyone feels the same, but for me it was just over powering. I decided that sticking to green was still ok for shabby chic (instead of going all ocean teal colors) and just repainted my one red wall. It really did wonders for the flow of our tiny condo. (750 sq ft.)
(This was my daughter's first day of kindergarten against our red wall!)

Not only did it improve the flow, it really just felt better all together. I recently went through some difficult things and I just wanted to rid the negativity out of our home. A few things I did to improve the positive flow in my home included: Meditation, getting rid of the red in our home, and burning sage. I can't even tell you how refreshing it feels in our home again.

(You can see the red under the green. Thankfully it only took 2 coats of paint and primer in one.)

I've decided this blog will be about how to change simple things to make a huge difference. Little touches here and there to freshen things up a bit. Also, all of my Pinterest addictions, and really, just about anything I want to throw in there! (You're welcome.)

I am really into using what I already have, and making it into something different or sometimes better. Cody's parents recently remodeled their kitchen and he came home with the cupboard faces and said that he thought I might want them. At first I was thinking, "great, another thing to find space for." But then I really saw the potential. I started searching Pinterest (uh-oh) and never stopped after that. I started making clothes pins picture holders!
Here is the link to the one I used:

I really love how the washed out grey compliments the green in my home! I want to change the paint, but that will probably be a next year project!

I have one more that size that I'm doing except instead of horizontally long, I'm going to make it vertical and hang it on a wall.

I made two smaller ones but decided to go very different with what I made out of them. I made a jewelry holder for my daughter, and then also a towel holder for above my sink. (Like I said previous, my house is modern so it is taking a little time to change everything to shabby chic.) 

(Without any jewelry on it)

With this project I did the weathered gray stain and once it dried I did a white wash. 2 ounces white paint, and 4 ounces water. I just picked out some simple brass knobs at my local Home Depot, along with the c-screws.
Here is the link for the jewelry holder:

(After it was finished and the ribbon was picked out by my daughter. We just went up to the Fabric Depot.)

I absolutely love this idea in the photo below! I wasn't able to turn mine into a coffee cup holder, but I think I like it as a towel holder anyway!
Here is the link to that pin:

(Pinterest's version)

(My version. Again, I'm working on it!)

If you are like me, I recycle EVERYTHING I can... Especially glass. I have so many bottles from Portland Ketchup Company, and pasta sauces I could can a lot of stuff! (I'm really into essential oils, and make a lot of my own lotions, salves and tons of other things so it really comes in handy to have all these glasses... but that's another post!) With all the scrapbook paper I have I tried thinking of things to do with the scrapbook paper, tissue paper, and modge podge I have. This was solely my own idea, and I didn't get it off of Pinterest, so I was really proud of myself! I actually printed off pictures of dictionary pages and found the word love and the descriptions of it for this bottle on the left. On the right I had a Shakespeare quote: "I do love nothing in the world so well as you." It's a daily reminder for me to love myself, my family, and my friends.

I absolutely adore my bathroom. It's one of the biggest rooms in our home and I felt it was too big as far as white walls. So, when we did decide to paint, we also painted the ceiling. It's a french thing apparently? I don't know, HGTV said so. I just believe them! Anyway, the dark slate color we did was perfect for white shelves and red accents. But, again, trying to steer away from the modern look, and also the abrasive red... I decided to stick with the weathered gray and white washed wood. After looking up Pinterest on ways to use my mason jars for less clutter on the counters I found this...
Here is the link to the pic below:

 (Pinterest version)

(My version! Although, we made a decision that no tooth brush and tooth paste in there any longer, because my daughter couldn't reach for one, and for two, it gets messy.)

I've decided that I want these mason jar holders in more than just the bathroom! They are so universal and so easy to make! I'm currently working on one for my daughter's room, my desk area, and possibly one for the kitchen for utensils!

So, this blog wasn't really anything except how much I find on Pinterest and can use in my home... Oh well! It was so much fun to do! I hope you liked today's post... Again, I apologize for the lateness of it not being Wednesday, and I will more than likely do another one to make it up to all of you who read these!

Thanks for reading! 

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