Wednesday, August 19, 2015

San Diego (Spring 2014)

It's Wednesday my fellow bloggers/blog readers! Sorry about Saturday, I had a mishap with the car tire and wasn't able to get one out. (I've already punished myself, I swear.) But, the time is here for another one, and nothing is stopping me today... (fingers crossed.)

This particular trip is very near and dear to my heart. I got to experience San Diego with 3 of my dearest friends. Doris and Dawn are my twin besties from high school. We've been friends since my sophomore and their freshman year. Robby also went to the same school as us, but I don't remember us being super close until adulthood. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. Seriously. He is the one who hosted my family this past spring (2015) when we were on our way to Disneyland.

Dawn lived in San Diego, and as far as I can tell, she'll move back there after her work is complete in October in Alaska. She is a chef on a cruise ship in Alaska 7 months out of the year with a 6 week on and 2 week off work schedule. It's pretty grueling but when you get to be off work for 5 months I'm sure it has it's perks! Getting off the plane and standing outside of San Diego was like a dream. I loved every second of being there.
(Yes, that is an actual picture from the highway I took with my phone! If you can believe it.)

It was gorgeous... (sigh.) I can't wait to go back. Doris and I flew out together from Portland, and Robby flew in from San Fransisco... We literally landed within minutes of each other! We went to the cutest place for breakfast and they had an  AMAZING chicken and waffles you wouldn't even believe!

 (This is Doris and Robby)

(This is Dawn... look at that glorious chicken!)

After we ate, we decided to go check in. We ended up staying at the W Hotel right on the bay... It was beautiful! The view from our room was outstanding.

(You really can't beat it... seriously!)

(Our reaction to our amazing room.)

There were so many firsts for me in SD. I swam in the ocean for hours... I've never felt so alive in my life. Every beach we went to there were so many dogs, and friendly people. I remember taking a deep breath on the beach and thinking to myself..."Dakota could live here for the rest of her life, and love it..." Of course, so could I! 

We spend a lot of time soaking up rays that day, and meeting awesome people at the Cabo Cantina, including Ashley... she was the most amazing waitress ever! 

(I used to be in this picture, but I'm not sure what happened to the original. Robby had the hugest crush on her... But sorry fellas and ladies... she's taken/engaged! Congrats Ashley! Oh, that's my finger tattoo.)

(This is what my hair looked like after swimming in the ocean. They made me go out to the Cabo Cantina looking like this. Great friends, huh? Now you know why I straighten my hair.)

At the Cabo Cantina they have a game room of sorts in the back with ping pong/beer pong and pool. It was so fun. I swear I spent most of my days just sun bathing, drinking, and walking around. It was sooooooo relaxing!

(See what I mean? Drink in hand, and I don't even drink hahaha! There's a reason, look at that goofy grin. Terrible.)

Another first included holding a huge bird. If anyone knows me, they know I don't do birds. At all, period. I'm working on it. But, for someone who ducks (no pun intended) every time a bird flies over them (even in the car) this is a huge step!

(He wouldn't stay on my lower arm, and that made me nervous... but I managed a really painful smile. The coffee made me feel invincible.)

I had to put in here this amazing pizza place (which I can't remember the name right now) but it had some pretty awesome tip jars...

 (For my Star Wars fans...)

(...And for my Chuck Norris and anti Justin Bieber fans.)

On our last night we went to the coolest country/hip hop bar... yes, you heard that right. I know, so bizarre but completely workable. So the one side was hip hop and then there was a long hallway to the next side of the building and that would be the country side. The country side had huge bar counter tops and the girls danced on it like Coyote Ugly! The hip hop side had a mechanical bull... which was a little mixed up, but it was totally fun. (No, I didn't ride the bull, but I did sing and dance with my girls and Robby!) Before we went to the country/hip hop bar we headed to dinner. The coolest old school songs were playing... as you can tell.

(This is how we do it...)

(Ok, in all seriousness now.)

Here is the pics from the bar... I'm not responsible for the lighting or the weird tongues sticking out... just saying!

(I'm pretty sure we don't know this girl.)

(I don't even know how to explain this... sisterly love?)

(Camera love!)

(Yep, I know for sure we don't know that guy.)

All in all, an amazing trip. I also met Ali at this bar! She approached me and asked if I actually like country... in which I replied, "I LOVE IT!!" She was so excited because apparently her friends told her people who look like me don't like music like that... She was so sweet, and we've kept in contact through Facebook. I can't wait for another trip like this. But, when you are a mom, these come few and far between. It just makes you cherish the ones you do get!

I'm no longer promising a blog up every Saturday, but Wednesday for sure... That way if I do get one up on Saturday it will be like a special gift for you! HA! Anyway, enjoy your HUMP DAY! 

Pending that my daughters bed is done next week, I may have a special step by step pics of the pallet platform bed I've been working on for you! So, keep reading and visiting my blog for more awesome stuff! Thank you!

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