Sunday, July 10, 2016

I'm Back!

Hello everyone who reads my blogs! I've been gone for waaaaayyyy too long! It feels really good to be writing/blogging again!

So much has happened in the last 10 months! Holy cow, it's been 10 months since I've done any blogging!!??!! Yikes, that's my bad guys... I'm definitely going to be doing this a WHOLE lot more!

So, where to start? The beginning I guess? Yeah, that's a good spot.

So, on December 7th, 2015 I decided to make a huge change in my life. I decided that I did not want to be the same person ever again. EVER. I decided that it was time to take control of my life and actually BE happy, instead of pretending I was. Don't get me wrong... I'm very happy with my family, my kids, my friends... those things are great, but I was not happy with myself. I was very overweight, unhealthy, and on the verge of being diabetic. I realized that I needed to make a change.

I met a wonderful lady, and now one of my great friends, Stephannie in my program at school. She is a beach body wellness coach. A lot of you are like, "What is that?" Because trust me when I say, I thought the same dang thing. Basically, she supports women and men on their fitness journey. I quickly realized that this was something I needed and also wanted to do for myself.

I signed up as a beach body coach on December 26th, and jumped right in doing 21 Day Fix. For those of you who are new to beach body, or have never even heard of them... they are the same company that produces P90x. They have a variety of different programs! They also produce Shakeology. This daily dose of super food nutrition literally saved my life.

So, my journey for myself started December 7th, but my first round of 21 DF didn't start until January 11th. in between starting my workouts and eating better and my first round of 21 DF I received some news from my doctor. I found out that after 30 years of age you are supposed to get an A1C test to check your sugar levels. This was only 10 days into my lifestyle change. I received news that I was a 6.1. For those of you who are familiar you know that this is borderline diabetic. Your A1C should be between the number 4 and 6. I was right over with that .1.

Rather than let that get me down, I pushed even harder. I buckled down and focused on my nutrition. Most people think that they can out exercise a bad diet. Not true. What you fuel your body with is so important. I call it the 80/20 or 70/30 rule. Only 20-30% needs to be your workout and 70-80% is your nutrition. There's this saying that we go by in my accountability group... Abs are made in the kitchen. I fully believe that's true.

I'm about to start my 7th round of 21 DF, and this time I'm doing a program called Turbo Fire. I have lost 26 pounds, and 25 inches total. I even started measuring in other places that I wanted to see the difference in. You don't have to stick to the usual places! We are all made different. This is my before and after photo... the one on the left is this last month, and on the right is Christmas 2015.

I'm currently doing an Ab Challenge, and also wanted to create a Booty Challenge as well. I have a couple options, and if you are interested in doing these Ab and Booty Challenges, I wanna hear from you! These 2 challenges are completely free, and I will be posting them on here, my blog page on FB, and also my personal page on FB so, you'll be able to follow super easily!

These are the two options I found on Pinterest that I liked the best:

With these ones I would make the calendar and have the workouts all ready for you to follow.
There is also an already planned out booty challenge.

I have to say, this one is pretty cool! It's all squats though, so tell me what you think! I would love to have any feed back possible! I want to start this tomorrow, but realistically next Monday might work better until I've heard from all of you!

Thanks for sticking with me and as always, keep reading! I'll be trying to post every Wednesday and an occasional Sunday!

Follow me:
Snapchat @TheOctogirl

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