Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Chaotic Life... I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Does anyone else feel like pulling their hair out when school comes around? I mean, seriously, if it's not enough that we have to buy all new stuff, we also have to get rid of all the old that doesn't fit anymore! Ugh. On top of my kiddos going back to school... so do I. I start a little later than they do; about 10 days after, but still. Stressful. Some might say I do WAAAYYY too much, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

I love being busy. In fact, during the summer is when I find myself trying to do more because I'm completely bored out of my mind with nothing to do! Imagine that. I tend to start projects that most of the time I never finish. But, I've decided that I'm not doing that anymore. I'm finishing all the things I've started and then move on to more. 

With this program I'll be starting at school, I'll be doing 17 credits. For those of you who don't know school "credit" lingo (because before I started college, I didn't have a clue) it's 1-4 credits per class depending on the type of subject. I will be taking 5 (really 6) classes. One of them is a 2 part class. I am going to be swamped. So, with that being said, I have a lot of stuff to organize now before my schedule gets completely crazy.

I've decided that even the littlest things can help. Shelves that aren't on the wall take up too much floor space. My daughter has two shelves on her floor that were holding her shoes in baskets. As adorable as they are she has such a small space that we have to find little ways to save that space as much as we can! We stacked the shelves and used them for books, and put the shoes in a... back of the door hanging shoe rack! Seriously, it's the little things! 

This one is available also in black which we bought both here:

I also ended up cutting it in half and I'm going to use this same thing under the sinks in my kitchen and bathroom.

Seriously, there are so many ideas on Pinterest to eliminate clutter, organize, and re-do all your spaces in your home. Because our condo is limited on space already, I turned our dining room into a study room. (I now miss my kitchen table, but it's more efficient this way.) Both my daughter and I do homework more than we eat at home. Being in school, I eat a lot of my snacks at school (brought from home) and Dakota eats breakfast, snack, and lunch at school, so it just seemed more useful for us to use a desk in that space. We chose the black/brown in this link:

Another trick to eliminating clutter that I've found is having storage bins handy for seasonal clothing. I have one dresser per person in this house and we can't have tank tops taking up room when it's sweater season (and vice versa). So, I use the storage containers to put all my summer stuff in when fall comes around. Luckily we have two storage units for our condo. One on the deck and one in our parking garage. The storage bins help when stacking in the storage unit, and also taking out unneeded clothing in my dresser as well. 
Not only do these containers work for clothing but for so many more things! We have the flat one for our birthday/holiday wrapping paper. It fits nicely under our couch for easy use during the holiday/birthday season. Otherwise, it fits nicely in the storage unit when not needed.
Ok, so I now I mentioned that I'm not starting anything before finishing all my other projects, but this one is at the top of the next list. I'm obsessed! Closet makeovers! I think I'm the only person in the world who is obsessed with a clean, organized, amazing looking closet... I know, I'm weird.

And yes, I know, I never finished my daughters pallet bed! But, if you live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) then you know how rainy and not so outdoor crafts friendly it has been. I plan on finishing it this week because it is supposed to get nicer. I promise. It's the first thing on my "unfinished projects" list of things to do.

Thank you for reading everyone! Also, a shoutout to those who commented on my Facebook post about what I should write about. I've never been in such a stump about what to write about! Keep your positivity coming, and follow me for more blogs and funny (in my opinion) posts!

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