Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fall Out Boy Concert/Summer Traditions

Last year I had the awesome opportunity to attend the Panic! At the Disco concert in Portland, OR at McMenamin's Edgefield. It was so amazing! I went with my ex sister-in-law who happens to be one of my best friends. Awkward you might ask? Absolutely not! I've had a connection with her since the run in at the Praise Chapel church restroom when I asked if her brother was single. Yep, I was that teenager... embarrassing. Anyway, we have been friends now for 14 years, and I could not imagine my life without her and her little family!

We had such a blast at the Panic! At the Disco show we decided to keep the tradition going. We also got to see Walk The Moon, and Youngblood Hawke which were equally amazing. There was such a stage presence by each group, it was phenomenal. Can I just say that Brendon Urie with his shirt off is pretty awesome. Nothing quite like it! I'm just going to leave this here... (keep in mind these are all iPhone photos, and aren't always the best quality zoomed in)

I have been a fan of Panic! for quite a while... like since the beginning. His voice is incredible! This last album Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! is one of my favorite albums since A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. It's hard to pick a favorite song, because I love them all, but if I had to choose I would say The End of All Things. It's such an emotional song. I feel like this song was a rare thing for the group. Most of their songs are about other life experiences and this one was really emotional, like the tug on your heart strings type.

If you haven't had the chance to listen to them for whatever reason (maybe you've been under a rock) please do yourself a favor and listen. They have a new single they recently released called Hallelujah. 
You can listen/watch the video on their website at:

This past Saturday (August 1st) we got to see Fall Out Boy, Wiz Khalifa, Max, Lil' Uzi Vert, and Hoodie Allen. Quite a line up, let me tell you! I'm usually not a huge hip-hop fan but Wiz is a really talented artist. I hate when I like an artist and then see them in person and get let down. This was the opposite. I didn't go to the concert with any expectations of Wiz and he blew me out of the water! (another shirtless artist... You're welcome.)

Before this concert I had only heard of Hoodie Allen once, and Max only once as well. DCD2 (Pete Wentz of FOB's record label) signed Max and brought him on the Boys of Zummer Tour. Max had a single free on iTunes (not sure if it is free any longer) called Gibberish ft. Hoodie Allen. It's a pretty good single. Both artists were really good for opening acts! We had a pretty decent spot for this show. Middle/center in the grass. I'm glad now that Ciera suggested bringing her blanket (thanks boo).

One of the really awesome things about this show was there were two stages. One that was a little far, but had projection screens to see what the heck was going on. And the second one was pretty close to where we were. (That's how I scored that amazing photo so close to Wiz.) Fall Out Boy (FOB) did an acoustic set on that stage really close to us. Everyone who came was super chill and laid back. I didn't have any issues with my shoes getting stolen (long story) or with our blanket being trampled on. Needless to say, it's a pretty awesome show when you lose your shoes. Just sayin'.

Half way through the show Ciera and I got a little crazy. We photobombed a selfie... while taking a selfie. I know, we are nuts. Things got out of control... watch out. (Insert sense of humor here.)

I have also been a FOB fan from day one. It's hard to say which I love more. My daughter constantly asks me to choose one, and I literally can't. Patrick Stump's voice is unlike any other. He makes me melt. (Love you man.) If I ever had the opportunity to meet FOB face to face I would probably forget how to form words into a complete sentence. For music and videos you can go to:

Pete Wentz, you are sexy. I loved every single thing you said to the audience during the show. Especially about society trying to marginalize us. Amen. PS I love your blonde hair. Keep rockin' it.

I did not know much about the drummer until researching after the show. He is a beast though. He has a website that tells you all about how much he squats, lifts, etc. He's way into crossfit... and look at this picture! You can totally tell... Hello.

I'm not sure who we will see next year, but we've already decided this is a summer tradition for us for sure. I love music. It's one of my passions. I may not have the voice of an angel (it is fairly good though) but I love to sing. I've written music in the past, but haven't done so in a long time. My passion is to help people in music get to where they are going. Like a manager if you will; behind the scenes. I have been a booking manager in the past and I loved it. I'll be posting way more about music in future blogs. 

Be sure to come back and check for new blogs. I will be posting Wednesdays and Saturdays for those of you who are curious ( I know you are out there). Thanks for reading all!

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